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AFTM(Applied Groundwater Flow & Contaminant Transport Modeling)培训是由开发了包括Visual ModFlow在内的众多水文地质专业软件的Waterloo Hydrogeologic, Inc.(滑铁卢公司)亲手打造的地下水流与溶质运移培训课程。本课程由Visual ModFlow开发项目组负责人Benny Bian博士亲自授课。授课语言为中英文双语,视学员要求而定。结业后颁发全球水文地质行业认可的AFTM资格认证书。有意培训的人员或单位请致电北水国际进行培训意向登记,北水国际将定期举办本培训。以下为培训的详细内容。
This 4-day applied groundwater modeling course was designed to present the theory behind MODFLOW-2000, MODPATH, Zonebudget, MT3DSEAWAT and MGO, and to illustrate the practical development of groundwater flow and transport models using Visual MODFLOW Premium. This course introduces the modeling process including conceptual model development, numerical model implementation and model calibration. It alternates between lectures and exercises to illustrate the ease of using Visual MODFLOW Premium. New exercises have been developed to show the attributes and usefulness of MODFLOW with SEAWAT and MGO. We also use WinPEST to perform automated parameter estimation to evaluate the quality of model calibration.

The course goes beyond these introductory topics and provides advice on how to choose appropriate parameter distributions and model boundaries to develop defensible groundwater models. Attendees will gain a more complete understanding of the integration of GIS in the model development process. Groundwater resource applications that are covered include model calibration using groundwater heads and flows, new well development, capture zone delineation, well interference assessment, well optimization and stream impact investigations. Contaminant transport topics include transport model development, model calibration to contaminant concentrations, source area design, choice of appropriate concentration boundary conditions, comparison of transport solvers, saltwater intrusion modeling and 3D visualization of flow and transport results. This course is ideally suited for hydrogeologists and modelers with some knowledge of field investigation and groundwater modeling who wish to advance their modeling knowledge, and whose responsibilities include model development, review, planning and project management.
Course Objectives and Benefits

   *   Apply Visual MODFLOW Premium to 3D groundwater flow and contaminant transport projects
   *   Use MODFLOW to develop several groundwater flow models using hands-on laboratory exercises
   *   Calibrate flow and transport models to observe field data
   *   Use MODPATH to model 3-D particle tracking for capture zone delineation
   *   Use ZoneBudget to assess sub-regional water budgets within the model domain
   *   Use RT3D, MT3DMS and MT3D99 to simulate 3-D reactive transport
   *   Use SEAWAT to simulate saltwater intrusion into a freshwater aquifer
   *   Use MGO to optimize pumping rates for groundwater extraction
   *   Use WinPEST to improve model calibration and assess uncertainty

Course Topics

   *   Principles of the modeling process – data collection, model development, model calibration and    prediction of results
   *   Conceptual model development using borehole data, cross-sections and aquifer test analysis
   *   Fundamentals of groundwater flow modeling 
   *   Basic principles of finite difference grid design, refinement and optimization
   *   Setting appropriate boundaries for developing a defensible groundwater model
   *   Particle tracking, pathline analysis and wellfield capture zone delineation
   *   Sub-regional water budget analysis using ZoneBudget
   *   Contaminant transport modeling
   *   Groundwater optimization for dewatering and contaminant capture using MGO
   *   Saltwater intrusion modeling using SEAWAT
   *   Calibration and verification of 3D flow and transport models
   *   Theory of automated parameter estimation, and interpreting calibration results using PEST
   *   3D Visualization of model input and results

Course Schedule

Day 1 
Lecture: Course Introduction
Lecture: Introduction to Groundwater Modeling
Exercise: Intro2: An Introduction to Visual MODFLOW
Lecture: How to Build a Model 
Exercise: Intro2: an introduction to Visual MODFLOW
Lecture: Insights into GIS Analysis for Modeling
Exercise: Intro2: an introduction to Visual MODFLOW

Day 2 
Lecture: Principles of USGS MODFLOW
Exercise: 3DCap: Capture Zone Modeling
Lecture Principles of MODPATH and ZoneBudget
Exercise: Mounding: Spray Irrigation Modeling
Exercise: Joe’s Auto: Risk Assessment Modeling

Day 3 
Lecture: Principles of Contaminant Transport Modeling
Exercise: Chemwest: The Flow Model
Exercise: Chemwest: The Transport Model (MT3D)
Lecture: Principles of SEAWAT
Exercise: Chemwest: The Transport Model (MT3D)

Day 4 
Lecture: Theoretical Approaches to Model Calibration
Exercise: Valley: Calibrating a Transient Flow Model
Lecture: Calibration Results and Uncertainty Analysis
Course Evaluations
Exercise: Freyberg: Calibrating a Groundwater Flow Model

Optional Open Pits: Transient MODFLOW Modeling
Optional Elder: SEAWAT Simulation